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Exhibit opening: Charles Browning – Peaceable Kingdom

Celebrate the opening of Charles Browning: Peaceable Kingdom with the artist in the Majestic Theater Art Gallery.

Describing his work as "an interplay of art and history, humor and brutality, sincerity and irony, narrative and allegory,” the Bucks County painter, Charles Browning, approaches the canvas as a contemporary frontiersman. The painter embarks on a journey through American history and American art history with equal doses of reverence and self-deprecation. The awe-inspiring Hudson River School blends with Kitsch, creating a common American visual language that is breathtaking and thought provoking. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Browning’s technical prowess with the paintbrush mocks and celebrates an American aesthetic framed by an Albert Bierstadt majestic land

Event address

25 Carlisle St. Gettysburg, 17325


06:00 pm - 07:30 pm

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