Get the 2025 Gettysburg Getaway Guide
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Get the GuideTravel ten minutes north of downtown Gettysburg and visit the Adams County countryside, featuring an expanse of rolling hills, orchards, and farm markets.
The countryside is home to the South Mountain Fruit Belt, a swath of land that encompasses most of upper Adams County. This area offers favorable growing conditions for a wide range of crops, especially apples.
Journey on the Adams County Crop Hop and experience the beautiful countryside first-hand. Sign up for your free passport and check-in at farm markets, nurseries, and other attractions to earn prizes.
Due to the seasonal nature of farming, crops are available based on a yearly cycle. Use this Harvest Calendar to see when local produce is in-season so you can plan your Crop Hop adventure accordingly and taste the freshest bounty:*
*Please note this Harvest Calendar is an estimate – all harvests depend on Mother Nature and her ability to keep things hot, cool, wet, or dry.
*Additionally, this calendar lists only a sampling of the many crops grown in Adams County.
Beginning in mid-May, local strawberries are available. Several Crop Hop stops even offer pick-your-own strawberries.
May also marks the opening of the Adams County Farmers Market, a vibrant open-air farmers market. From May through October, explore countless vendors offering a wide range of fruit, veggies, and other products.
As the weather continues to get warmer, other local crops start hitting the shelves. By mid-June, local cherries and blueberries are harvested.
Check out the Crop Hop for homemade cherry/blueberry pies, muffins, cookies and other fruit-inspired baked goods.
Things really start to heat up in July. Be on the lookout for local peppers, tomatoes, sweet corn, and peaches.
By mid-July, watermelon and apples enter the scene. Some locations offer local apples year-round thanks to advances in cold storage.
By August, potatoes, pears, and additional apple varieties are available. The bounty of Adams County is coming into full form!
Come fall time, sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkins, gourds, and other related fall produce are ready for picking.
Enjoy wagon rides through pumpkin patches and find the perfect pumpkin. Traipse through corn mazes and indulge in hot apple cider while taking in the beauty of fall.
Apples are reaching their peak harvest in October. Celebrate Adams County’s pride and joy (apples) at the National Apple Harvest Festival, usually held the first two weekends in October.
Come November and December, we turn our attention to poinsettias and Christmas trees. Decorate your home for the holidays with local Christmas trees and beautiful flowers.
Hop on the Crop Hop
Generations of families have farmed land throughout Adams County. Today, you can visit this preserved land and witness the hard work of growers, market attendants, and everyone who makes it possible to enjoy fresh, local produce.
Sign up for your free passport and check-in at stops along the Adams County Crop Hop. #Crop2it
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View the CalendarCheck out our Getaway Guide online or have us send you one. Have an immediate question? Call us at 1.800.337.5015
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